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Eat Well, Live Well: Achieving Healthy Eating Goals for 2024

Debbie Dean

Setting goals for healthy eating, whether it’s for a specific health need like lowering cholesterol or to help with weight loss, can seem overwhelming.

So today, let me give you some easy ways to get your goals and create the habits to achieve them. As a nutritionist, I work with many people to set health goals and give them the accountability to stick with their new healthy habits.

No more chatting, let’s dive in!

Set Smart Goals

Yes, you’ve probably heard this before, but tell me have you actually sat down recently and done this?

Grab a paper & pen, a stylish notebook, open Google Docs - whatever works best for you and set those goals!

Woman writing in notebook

Just a reminder S.M.A.R.T.

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Relevant

  • Time-Bound

For example, a SMART goal could be to eat at least 2 servings of vegetables at dinner each night for the next month.

Other examples include:

  • Eat breakfast every morning containing at least 20g of protein for the next 3 months.

  • Reduce fizzy drink intake to no more than 2 cans per week for the next 6 months.

  • Limit snacking between meals to 100 calories and no more than 2 per day over the next 2 weeks.

Setting SMART goals will help you make positive changes and achieve your health and nutrition objectives. Don’t forget to evaluate your progress periodically and adjust your goals as needed.

My best suggestion to stop overwhelm at this point is:

Have just 1 - 3 big goals. A big goal could be - to lose one stone in the next 9 weeks.

Then for each big goal create 3 sub goals. That way it’s easier to keep focused and also to track your progress.

Then create the healthy habits you need to reach those goals, one at a time.

Creating Healthy Habits

Once your goals are in place the only way they will become reality is to start creating habits around them.

Woman eating healthy snack

For me, and many of my clients and Nourish Insider members, the “tiny habits" method works really well. The Tiny Habits method was created by Stanford psychologist BJ Fogg. It leverages the science of behavior change to help people create lasting habits.

To create a tiny habit:

  1. Choose an existing habit you already do, like going into the kitchen in the morning to feed feed your cat.

  2. Add your new habit after your existing habit. For example, drink a glass of water after feeding the cat.

  3. Make the new habit incredibly small and easy to do. This triggers momentum and makes the habit more sustainable. So start with a couple of sips of water and build from there. You'll be surprised how quickly these teeny tiny habits grow and become your new normal.

  4. Be consistent, but don't stress if you miss a day, just pick back up from where you left off.

Some tiny habits you might want to try for healthy eating and weight loss:

  1. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before every meal

  2. Add an extra piece of fruit or vegetable with every meal

  3. During meals put down utensils between bites

  4. Pack a healthy lunch the night before

  5. Add one new healthy recipe each week.

Focus on one tiny habit at a time and build up momentum. Small, consistent changes lead to big results over time!

For more healthy eating support:

Have a happy, healthy day!



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